Animal Stories from

Meet Spider! She is Safe at the Sanctuary!

April 2022

And again. just someone who did not know better or do some homework about turtles.

Turtle Spider
Spider... the Turtle

A few weeks ago we took in ten special needs turtles who had suffered terrible care over the past years - not intentionally...just someone who did not know better or do some homework about turtles.

A few of these Turtles are badly deformed, from no sun and poor nutrition.

They will do well here. They have already started on a path to better health. Some are in the sanctuary enjoying worms and sun. Others are too small or too deformed. They will be safe in our Turtle hospital with accommodations including sunlight.

This is "Spider," one of the new rescues. This little girl, just bigger than a 50-cent piece, is a mess with a deformed shell and overgrown beak.

What a little doll! She is eating, is already one of our favorites and a star of the hospital. Spider's  life has changed dramatically for the better now.

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