April 2010
story of Tom and DJ is a story about animal intelligence. It's a story of animals
making up games among themselves and having fun, even between different species. And
most importantly, they do it on their own without human direction or prodding.
Peggy Couey of Dragonwood Farm, a pig sanctuary, wrote, "Today I was able to catch a shot of my little kitten Tom (aka Tom Mix) and his brother Jerry as Tom saddled up and rode out into the sunset on DJ, one of the little piglets here. This is an every day event here, and they both love it. Once DJ sets off Tom sits down lower and holds on. I didn't get the award winning picture but I did get one before they were both full grown!"
Following the publication of
the above photo and story, Peggy Couey sent out an update, and she sent us four more
"So many of you wrote me back about the picture of Tom riding
the piglet that I stalked the little cats again this morning and caught them interacting
with the pigs in the yard by the barn. In these pics Jerry mingles freely with pigs
50 times his size, while Tom practices his trick riding. And what a dismount!! (Photo-below)
Its got to be one of a kind! Cats and pigs form very special relationships,
completely at ease with one another from their first meeting.
These two kittens were so tiny they fit easily in a teacup when Denise found them abandoned. They have grown up in the barn with the pigs, cuddled down on chilly evenings under the hay with their favorite giant. The pigs would never step on a kitten, or on either of the adult barn cats, though they certainly don't mind a bit stepping on my tender little toes!!
Have a great week.
Hug a pig if you get a chance.
visit the pigs at www.9sites.com "
Stories and pictures like these are glimpses into Isaiah's prophecy
of the Peaceable Kingdom (11:6-9), where all humans and animals will live together in love
and never again harm or destroy one another. Tom and DJ have established a
relationship based upon love and trust, something that we humans need to learn to do more
consistently, among ourselves, and among our fellow species who occupy this planet with
us. When we learn to look upon all our fellow creatures as our brothers and sisters,
as did St. Francis of Assisi, then and only then will we learn how to have true and
lasting peace.
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