Why might some ex-vegans react strongly to their former lifestyle, while others seek to gradually renegotiate the boundaries of their dietary convictions? The study of vegan drift is too nascent to draw firm conclusions about what differentiates such individuals.
Photo credit:
niklas schoenberger, Unsplash
Veganism is a dietary lifestyle that boasts of benefits to the
planet and personal health, underpinned by a moral philosophy. More
than a fad, for many, veganism is a part of who they are. Indeed,
studies have found that, relative to vegetarians, self-identified
vegans report that their diet is highly central to their identity.
Vegans also tend to attribute high-levels of sentience to animals,
identify with animals, and strongly support animal rights.
Nonetheless, maintaining a vegan lifestyle represents a significant
challenge for many people. A Fauntalytics study estimated that there
are approximately 5 times as many former vegans than there are
practising vegans. This begs the question: what happens when a
person abandons their vegan identity? Does the ethical framework
that underpins their veganism also loosen?
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