Please write: Anstalten Prison c/o Paul Watson in Nuuk, Greenland, DK-3900.
Paul Watson Arrested - ACTIONS to take
I have been in Nuuk Prison for nearly 100 days without being charged with a crime and without any decision in my case. I have not seen my children since mid-June.
It has been frustrating but I have received enormous support from people and governments around the world.
It has been very encouraging to receive so many letters from over forty countries. So far I have received over 2,000 letters. Hundreds of letters with drawings of whales from children.
Because of my injured hand it has been difficult to answer everyone. I am not allowed access to a laptop or a typewriter, however, I have been able to answer more than 125 letters and I will continue to answer more and when I am released I will answer everyone who has written to me and I will send everyone a certificate of appreciation.
Your letters make a difference. I read every single letter. I have not received a single hostile letter. Every letter is important and encouraging. The prison delivers the letters in batches twice a week and the guards tell me they have never seen such support for a prisoner.
Thank you also for your letters and emails and social network messages to the Danish Attorney General, the Danish Prime Minister and to Danish Embassies and Consulates.
So please continue to write, to send pictures of whales and dolphins, to send poems, postcards and pictures.
Your letters help me make it through each day.
Paul Watson