Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies Articles

Open Rescues Began in 1994

From Patty Mark, ALV Animal Liberation Victoria
Facebook posting, January 15, 2023

The cages now are ever so slightly larger now and I hope the place still isn't this disgustingly dirty being so out of the public eye, but who knows?

sick Hen

Recently I came across this 30 year old photo, taken early 1994 at the Happy Hens Egg World in Meredith.

It was at the beginning of our Openreascue campaigning. We ended up doing over 30 rescues at this place, Victoria's largest caged egg factory. I ended up with two short stays in prison but millions upon millions of hens have spent their entire lives in these prisons, many there now as I type.

The cages are ever so slightly larger now and I hope the place still isn't this disgustingly dirty being so out of the public eye, but who knows?

One thing I know for sure, these gentle intelligent birds called laying hens, suffer hideous tortured lives for a product all of us can easily life without.

Go vegan, for them and for yourself.

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