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Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies

Sticker and Leaflet Activism

From Lauren Abercrombie
June 2024

Sometimes people take the stickers down. The weird part is that the people who take them down are not even employees, they are customers. I find that weird, but I think they take them down because of their ego... when peole have their actions questioned, some people react in a negative way and some react in positive way.

vegan sticker

Sticker activism is when you put an animal rights stickers on things or anywhere where people might see them. Sticker activism plants seeds in people's minds and makes them think about their actions. I do sticker activism because it's the easiest form of activism and it's pretty fun at the same time. You are sending message in a way for all to see.

Sometimes people take the stickers down. The weird part is that the people who take them down are not even employees, they are customers. I find that weird, but I think they take them down because of their ego... when peole have their actions questioned, some people react in a negative way and some react in positive way. It depends on the person's ego.

I get all of my stickers from I get my stickers for free because I email the action team at [email protected] and they send me stickers. Last year and this year I had PETA send me thousands of stickers: the stickers were about not wearing fur, not eating animals, vegan qr codes that people can scan with their phones to order vegan starter kits, they have a wide variety of stickers, even stickers that you can put on packaged meats at grocery stores. I was doing so much sticker activism that I had PETA send me the big bulk of 1,000 "End Speciesism" stickers. When I ran out recently, I had PETA send me the same order of 1,000 big bulk "End Speciesism" stickers. I go to Disney Parks once a month [Orlando FL, Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot] and I stick them any place I can find. This is the easiest way to do sticker activism. I also stick them: on ATM machines, bathroom stalls, gas station pumps, park benches, churches, restaurant menus, meat and seafood products at grocery stores, meat and seafood advertisements. I also put the stickers on letters that I mail and I put them on holiday/greeting and birthday cards. I also put the stickers on library books too 'LOL', and I also put the stickers on mail that I send to companies that I am protesting, etc. That is what I have been doing and this is why I run out of stickers so fast 'LOL.' I plan to continue this tradition of mine.

Besides stickers, I also get free leaflets from and by emailing a[email protected]. The leaflets I have gotten so far cover: how humane meat does not exist, sea life are not seafood, boycotting starbucks for charging extra for non dairy milk, going vegan to honor God, PETA Lamb bookmarks to hand out to church people, vegan starter kits, guide to going vegan, things like that, and PETA kids' booklets, and books about what PETA stands for. I hand them out at public crosswalks, vegan demonstrations, protests, libraries, and I will leave them inside books at the library, and I will also leave them in doctors' offices 'LOL.'

animal rights leaflets
Sample of leaflets available

I went to a vegan demonstration a couple weeks ago, and this was my favorite debate. I offered a Vegan Starter kit to a guy and he said, "No thank-you, what is all of this about?" And I said, "We are trying to save animals by encouraging people to go to a Plant Based diet. He said, "Why should we care?" And I said, "Do you like dogs?" And he said, "I love dogs!" And I said, "Why do you love dogs and eat chicken, cows, and pigs?" And he was like, "[silent]..." I said, "That is speciesism, you care about dogs but do not care about other animals. It is no different then caring about white people and not caring about black people, that is racism, with animals, that is speciesism. And he was like "...Well I prefer to care about people, not concentrate on animals." And I was like, "That is speciesism, what is the difference between a human and an animal? We have the same traits, we just look different." And he was like, "Well animals do not have souls." And I said, "The Bible talks about animals being in heaven in the Books of Isaiah and Revelation, so they do have souls. Next?" And he was like, "I am leaving." And I was like, "No, let's finish this debate, why do you want to leave?" And he was like, "No, I am leaving."

Some people at the vegan demonstration said no to getting a booklet and some came back later to get one! That was a miracle 'LOL.'

Here are resources to get some free PETA stickers. You get larger quantites by contacting [email protected]: 

Posted on June 4, 2024
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