"The Caring Heart" refers to the thoughts, feelings, motivations, and actions of those who care about other entities in life enough to actively work for their, or its, wellbeing. That is, caring hearts love like Jesus wants us to love. The word "love" can mean many things. Oftentimes humans can feel that they love someone because that person, or animal, meets certain needs in them. Caring heart love goes further. The caring heart puts the needs of the other first, and actively works to fill them, if possible.
We all have caring hearts in some capacity.; We all care about someone or something, most likely many things and fellow beings. But, we all need to keep growing. Our world is groaning with unmet needs and sufferings that need to be tended to by someone. So, what we all can do, and need to do, is to continue to EXPAND OUR CARING HEARTS as part of our lifestyle.
"The Caring Heart" articles elaborate on core facets of what I believe is Jesus’ message for what we are to be like if we actively follow Him. The articles expound on "how to do it and why." I’ve divided the areas of need into four basic areas : the planet earth, all the animals, birds, and fish, one another, and our own selves. All of these areas need much more care!!
It is my earnest hope and prayer that more and more "caring hearts" will be bustling around the earth making things better and better. We need to make a much bigger difference!! I also hope that, someday and somehow, caring hearts could network into a viable support group.
I hope you will read my articles very thoughtfully, and carefully consider what more you can do.