I believe that love will see it through and one day
society will see animals as children of God instead of pieces of meat. Going from Amistad, Antebellum type slavery to racism
being totally shunned by society is a huge win for love. Sadly, the same
cannot be said yet for speciesism.
One of my favorite songs is “I Believe” by Blessid Union of Souls.
The lyrics “love will find a way” are a big part of the song. The
song ends with the lyrics, “Please love find the way”.
Eliot Sloan, the lead vocalist/pianist of the group, wrote the song
because of a girl he once dated named Lisa. Lisa’s father threatened
to cut off her college tuition unless she stopped seeing Eliot, an
African American. Eliot wrote the now famous lyrics:
I’ve been seeing Lisa now for a little over a year
She said she’s never been so happy but Lisa lives in fear
That one day daddy’s gonna find out she’s in love
With a nigger from the streets
Oh how he would lose it then but she’s still here with me
‘Cause she believes that love will see it through
And one day he’ll understand
And he’ll see me as a person not just a black man.
Eliot Sloan said “when I sing ‘love will find a way’, I mean ‘God
will find a way'”.
Since the time of these lyrics, the United States of America has
elected a black president and made huge strides toward ending
racism. There is still much to do to end racism, but the progress is
Going from Amistad, Antebellum type slavery to racism being totally
shunned by society is a huge win for love. Sadly, the same cannot be
said yet for speciesism.
Right now there is more animal suffering in the world than there has
ever been. Speciesism is at an all time high. But deep down, I truly
believe that love will find a way.
I tell people that if the heart of a man can be judged by how he
treats animals, what does it say about me when I sent thousands of
animals through factory farms? What I did was evil. I know that now.
Thank God I changed and turned away from my evil ways. God is using
me to end speciesism. I realized the error of speciesism and I have
started speaking out for the animals who have no voice. If God can
change my heart, then I know God can change the heart of other
people. If God can change the heart of other people, then I know the
idea of following the Golden Rule of “treating animals how we would
want to be treated if we were them” will spread and it will happen.
I believe that love will see it through and one day society will see
animals as children of God instead of pieces of meat.
The Golden Rule movement will be a long, tough journey. But love
will find a way. And by love, I mean God.
Please love find the way.