Millions Go Vegan for Lent: Interfaith Vegan Coalition Offers Resources to Help
Animals: Tradition - Philosophy - Religion Article from

FROM Interfaith Vegan Coalition
February 2022

Going plant-based for Lent can lead to a lifetime commitment to vegan living and to an uplifting and radical connection to the Divine.

interfaith vegan coalition

Going plant-based for Lent can lead to a lifetime commitment to vegan living and to an uplifting and radical connection to the Divine.

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. (Feb 28, 2022) — In Defense of Animals’ Interfaith Vegan Coalition is poised to help millions of Christians go vegan for Lent, which begins on March 2, Ash Wednesday, and ends on April 16, the day before Easter. During this time of spiritual reflection, many Christians identify with the suffering of Christ by giving up eating meat, dairy and eggs, drinking alcohol, watching television, swearing, or smoking.

“In Defense of Animals’ Vegan Starter Guide can help with your Lenten promise, as well as the Interfaith Vegan Coalition’s Catholic Vegan Advocacy Kit, which contains quotes, books, articles, videos, hymns, songs, prayers, websites, rituals, and spiritual support,” suggests Lisa Levinson, of In Defense of Animals and co-founder of the Interfaith Vegan Coalition. “We created these resources to make it easier for everyone to go vegan for Lent and beyond!”

“Lent is traditionally a time of abstinence,” said Dave Bookless, a director of theology for A Rocha International, as quoted in the journal Christianity Today. “In quite a lot of Christian cultures, if you look back through Christian history, people were vegetarian during Lent. That was quite a common thing in many parts of the world. And it’s still a common thing in some Christian traditions.”



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