The BLM are, and always have been, a rogue agency. The Department of Interior have not roped them in on our watch over the past 20 years. The DOI give them carte blanche. We have seen time and again what they do with that.
Wild Burros...
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) are proposing to round up more
than 500 wild burros in the desert north of Lake Mead.
The BLM estimates at least 554 burros and 36 horses live in the Lake
Mead Complex, an expanse of rangeland covering about 291 square
miles. It is reportedly one of the biggest herds in Nevada. They
must be referring strictly to the burros.
“The feral donkeys are stripping the land of vegetation and could
die off if the population isn’t managed along the Arizona-Nevada
line,” the agency said. So they want to gather most of them and
offer put them up for adoption.
If approved, the government also plans to temporarily sterilize any
remaining burros and round up them up at other points over the next
No date for the roundup has been set. It could be years away or as
early as this fall if a historic drought in the U.S. West dries up
enough plants and grass to force starvation conditions, the agency’s
documents indicate.
The proposal also includes removing the small herd of 36 wild horses
in the same area.
The agency manages the complex along with the National Park Service.
The area can support up to 98 burros and no horses, Bureau of Land
Management officials said.
Our response
This sounds like a decimation plan, not a management plan — typical
of the BLM.
The horses? Gone forever. The burros? We will have to wait and see
how many they leave, if any.