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We are dedicated to cruelty-free living through a vegan lifestyle according to Judeo-Christian ethics. Unconditional love and compassion is the foundation of our peaceful means of accomplishing this goal for all of God's creatures, whether human or otherwise. See more about our philosophy.

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Feature for Wednesday, January 15 Newsletter, January 15, 2025
black bear
The emotional toll of witnessing animal injustice secondhand – Little Red Hat [children’s book] – how to prepare your pet for a natural disaster – why cats meow at humans – an introvert’s perspective on leafleting – how to be a likeable vegan – a heartbreaking glimpse into the devastating reality of the LA fires – the relationship between animal exploitation and white nationalism – and more… Weekly Newsletter

Feature for Tuesday, January 14
Pet Disaster Preparedness
dog looking out window
Even if you have been fortunate enough not to be affected by the recent tragic fires in California, you may still be worried that you and your pets are not sufficiently prepared for when disaster does strike. Here provides an essential list that can help you prepare yourself and your animal companions for the unexpected.
Companion Animal Care

Feature for Monday, January 13
Why Do Cats Meow at Humans?
Anya the cat
Ibrahim Raidhan sheds light on why cats meow at humans and explains how we can understand what our feline companions are trying to tell us.
Companion Animal Care

Feature for Sunday, January 12
We Can Overcome the Evil Around Us
Lamb Krishna
Last week we talked about the power of praise, and how that power could actually move or remove mountains of sin. Today we are going to continue with our discussion on how, with this same spiritual power, we can overcome the evil around us.
[Pictured is Krishna from Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary]
An Bible Sermons

Feature for Saturday, January 11
Sweet and Sour Butternut Squash (Indian Style)
butternut squash over rice
Sweet and sour butternut squash (Indian style) served over a bed of brown basmati rice is a deliciously spicy vegan recipe that will serve four adults as a main meal. Preparation time is about 15 to 20 minutes, and cooking time is about 30 to 40 minutes.
Vegan Recipes

Feature for Friday, January 10
A Heartbreaking Glimpse into the Devastating Reality of the LA Fires
ducks flying in smoke
A deer's desperate search for saftey amidst the smoke of the LA fires reminds us of the devastating toll these fires take. It is also a reminder that the choices we make in our diets and consumtion habits have the potential to reduce the impacts of the climate crisis responsible for such disasters.
Wildlife Articles / Environment Articles

Feature for Thursday, January 9
Why Do We Grieve One Kind of Cow but Not the Other?
Jessica Scott-Reid explores the close genetic, evolutionary, and behavioral relationship between today’s cows and cetaceans and asks us to consider why we treat these species so differently.
Meat and Dairy Articles / Wildlife Articles

Animals Slaughtered:

Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.

0marine animals
0cows / calves
0pigeons / other birds
0donkeys and mules
0camels / camelids