Book and Video Review Guide
Moo-ving people toward compassionate living
The intent of this book and video review guide is to help us to live according to Kingdom standards which bring Heaven to earth.
The Making of a Turkey
Farm Sanctuary
P. O Box 150
Watkins Glen, New York 14891
Tel: 607-583-2225
Email: [email protected]
$10.00 plus shipping & handling
Documentary on turkey production. 16 minutes - VHS format
If a seven pound baby grew at the same rate that today's turkey grows, the baby would weigh 1,500 pounds at 18 weeks of age. New technology and genetics have created turkeys that grow faster and heavier in shorter amounts of time. The industry's profits have come at great cost to animal welfare, and animal suffering is now an inherent part of modern-day turkey production.
The narrated presentation provides an overview of turkey production and the development of intensive confinement systems. The video includes undercover footage obtained by Farm Sanctuary investigators of inhumane "factory farming" practices, transportation cruelties, and slaughterhouses abuses.
Scenes from The Making of a Turkey have prompted hundreds of national and local news stories during Farm Sanctuary's annual Adopt-a-turkey, rather than serve a turkey, by adopting a rescued turkey at Farm Sanctuary's shelters for farm animals.
* * * * * * *
Every year, over eight billion farm animals are raised, transported, and slaughtered under grossly inhumane conditions. Your help is urgently needed to ensure that farm animals are recognized as living, sentient beings -- in the courts, in the laws, in the hearts and minds of people.
With member support, Farm Sanctuary is investigating and prosecuting farm animal abusers; passing legislation banning cruel farming practices; exposing the meat, egg, and dairy industries; and operating the largest shelters in the country for victims of "food animals" production.
From Animal Rights Online - [email protected]
The calf photo on this pages is from Farm Sanctuary
with our thanks.
All of the beliefs and ideas presented by the writers of the reviewed publications may not necessarily represent all those held by The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation, but since they do seek to make this a kinder and more compassionate world, they have been included.
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