Folks Discuss the Anthrax Scare
By Mary T. Hoffman
An Animal Rights Poem from

Folks Discuss the Anthrax Scare
By Mary T. Hoffman

Folks discuss the anthrax scare
While chewing burgers rare;
They aren't aware,
Nor seem to care
What germs are lurking there:

Dangerous microbes in their meat,
Prions that defy the heat,
Feces (now, that's quite a treat!)
(Milk and meat I will not eat!)

"Irradiation is the way,"
That's what so-called experts say:
Treat our food with atom's ray.
Don't worry about a future day
When mutant microbes go astray,
While nutrients have fled away:
Deny, and look the other way.

No enemy can do more harm
Than what may come from a factory farm.
Yet anyone who cries "alarm"
Risks being sent to a "funny" farm.

Food-borne illness is our bequest
It hastens the day of eternal rest.

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