Heidi CoonFrom All-Creatures.org

Animal Rights Poetry and Prose By Heidi Coon

Poems of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet with us and the people who fight for them.

By Heidi Coon


Road rage is just violent

Name calling is abhorrent
Laughing at someone is appalling
Slurs and utterances are shocking
Undermining is downright despicable
Shaming & blaming are both abominable
Hurting someone’s feelings is atrocious
Stealing is absitively posolutely odious
A scathing email is internet crime

Yet, meantime....

The violent, biased-based mealtime
“Food! Tradition! Culture! Choice!” we chime
You’re a perpetrator targeting a victim come dinner time
Eating animals is a prejudice-motivated crime
Eating animals is heinousness defined
Speciesism is hate… BIG TIME

slaughtering animals

©Heidi Coon, 2020

Go on to: Honey is not, nor ever has been, nor will EVER be vegan!
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