Mark Edgemon has been writing for 30 years. He writes and publishes short stories, articles, poetry and scripts, as well as, produces audio comedy productions for over 700 radio stations nationwide.
Contact Mark through his website, Creator and the Catalyst.
I swear I could hear the patter of her prancing feet, walking across the
room on the tops of furniture,
Looking down on her kingdom, perched; gazing; stalking her next encounter of
shadowy intrigue.
The familiar passersby were treats to her, providing her an electric charge
of anticipation;
Waiting; wanting; knowing the world was hers, her world being the home in
which she dwelt.
Mischief incarnate, the devil himself would be annoyed by her persistence,
him sleeping with one eye open.
But when the day was done and her energy waned, she transformed into a
gentle soul,
Sweetness wrapped in fur. She needed her her mama's arm; safe;
At peace. Dreaming of tomorrow when she would enslave the world and everyone
in it!
The End
Go on to: The Circular Wind
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