A celebration message from the Chief Executive, League Against Cruel Sports
From All-Creatures.org Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive
Two and a half millions acres of land have been denied
to hunters.
Two and a half millions acres of land have been denied to hunters. That’s
how we are ending a year that none of us saw coming, from the country’s
largest landowners down to individual councils all waking up to the smoke
screen that is ‘trail’ hunting. Thanks to your incredible support, the
League has not been defined by the sad and bad news of 2020. Instead,
together, we have protected more animals than ever this year. Here are some
- ‘Trail’ hunting licences across the country are being suspended in
light of the admission by the hunting community that ‘trail’ hunting is
merely a smokescreen for their illegal activities. Thanks to your
support, we were able to launch a campaign immediately which aims to
turn these suspensions into permanent bans.
- We created the first interactive map of hunt territory, enabling
members of the public to contact their local council and demand an end
to hunting on public land. So far, over 110,000 emails have been sent to
councils and major landowners.
- fox being hunted by the Dulverton Farmers Foxhounds was
dramatically saved by our staff when it fled into our St John’s Wood
sanctuary, showing just how important these refuges are for persecuted
- The Scottish Government has promised to strengthen the hunting ban
in Scotland. We look forward to productive discussions with them and
will keep you updated on our progress.
- We and our partners at Revive Coalition launched a Dragon’s Den
parody video that’s already been watched over 100,000 times. It shows
just how ludicrous the shooting industry is and I highly recommend you
watch it. We also helped achieve a ban on the mass culling of mountain
hares in Scotland; saving untold numbers of these iconic creature.
- We’re now offering our supporters free wills via our partnerships
with The Goodwill Partnership and Bequeathed, who offer their services
online, via phone or in person. Many of you have taken advantage of this
service already and we’ve had great feedback.
- Our supporter-funded Animal Crimewatch hotline supported a police
investigation into a professional dog fighting pit, which led to the
prevention of such horrific events taking place and dogs being forced to
fight for their lives.
- We published Calculating Cruelty, a two-year intensive survey of
legal predator control on Scottish grouse estates, highlighting the
estimated 260,000 animals killed every year to maintain high numbers of
grouse for shooting.
When we thrive, animals survive. We couldn’t wish for stronger or more
dedicated supporters. We’ve rarely been better placed to continue to curtail
the cruel and senseless activities of those that hunt, shoot and fight
animals for fun. Please be proud of the part you’ve played in improving the
welfare of animals and join with us to do even more in 2021. Together we can
– and will – end cruel sports for good.
I hope you’re all able to spend time with your families over the holiday
period, be it in person or virtually. If you’re in need of a change of
scenery for your festive Zoom calls, do download some beautiful backgrounds
from our flagship wildlife sanctuary, Baronsdown, where foxes, badgers,
stags, hares and pheasants will spend this Christmas in peace.
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