About the Berkshire Vegan Network

The Berkshire Vegan Network strives to educate, inspire, and empower thinking people to shift towards a plant-based diet, and to take compassionate action for all life on the planet.

The Berkshire Vegan Network is a not-for-profit organization, which operates mainly in the Western Massachusetts region, and also works in Eastern New York and Southern Vermont. We run vegan/vegetarian events several times per year in this region. We conduct potlucks, dining out events, and offer periodic public presentations. We operate in conjunction with many other like- minded organizations (see our "links" section).

This is loose-knit, member-driven organization. There are no membership fees, and there is presently no formal organizational structure. Events operate on a sustainable basis, and no monetary profit is sought. Membership requirement is that you supply us with your current and valid email, and you are on the Membership List.

We have run nearly every type of vegetarian event, many with very large audiences. We presently run an annual "Living Thanksgiving" vegan/vegetarian potluck dinner every Thanksgiving Day.

We are also available for tabling, information distribution, and speaking at events dealing with Vegetarian/Vegan, Animals & Animal Rights, Environment, and Peace & Social Justice.

If any member has an idea for a vegetarian event, the organization will support the event. We are always looking for new input. Visit us on Facebook and please consider contacting us, and getting "On The List."

This site is hosted and maintained by:
The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation
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