About Us
We are a coalition of volunteer health professionals and cancer survivors dedicated to spreading the scientific information about links between food choices and cancer risk. We particularly focus on the issue of reducing animal product consumption -- dairy, eggs, meat, chicken and fish (all of which have been linked to higher risk of certain cancers) – and informing about substitutes for these foods in the diet to assure adequate nutrition.
Our Mission
To educate the public about dietary changes they can make to reduce their cancer risk. Too many large cancer organizations receive funding from agribusinesses and the food industry (especially dairy interests) and so do not provide full information about the connections and what can be done to lower risk: Choose plant-based milks and foods.
Our Programs
- Public lectures in schools, churches, and at community meetings, cancer
support groups, and health events
Literature displays
Publication and
dissemination of our book Food Choices and Cancer: How Your Diet Affects
Contact Us
To arrange a presentation in your community about cancer and diet, send us an email on the "contact us" page.
George Eisman's Blog 8/22/14 - Number 1 - Eat for Good Health
I have spent my career giving talks about nutrition and the vegan diet:
how being vegan, or moving in that direction, helps lower cancer risk,
prevents animal suffering, benefits the environment, and helps alleviate
food shortages. A few months ago, it was discovered that I had lung cancer –
ironic given my vegan diet and the fact that I’ve never smoked – which has
now impinged on the nerve to one of my vocal cords, taking away much of my
power of speech. Thus I will write instead of speak. Hopefully my writings
will inspire others to give public talks – feel free to use my words, those
of you who would like to.
Cancer risk is definitely raised by consumption of animal protein. It is
ironic that the very substance that people think is “heart-healthy” —
because animal fat definitely increases our risk of heart disease and
substituting higher protein animal products for higher fat ones does lower
heart disease risk — is very cancer-unfriendly. Recent studies show,
however, that animal protein actually does raise even heart disease risk
somewhat (though not as much as animal fat). So one could lower heart
disease risk even further by using plant proteins instead, and thereby also
lower cancer risk tremendously.
The reason that animal protein raises cancer risk is due to its content of growth hormones. Some growth hormones are added by the livestock industry, but most occur naturally as part of the animals’ life processes, so even the most organic, sustainable, grass-fed, etc. meat, dairy, and eggs still have considerable amounts of these unhealthy (for us) substances. So animal products, whether high fat or low fat, organic or not, are unhealthy foods from the standpoint of causing the two leading death threats in this country: heart disease and cancer.
The other class of foods that contribute to disease risk and shortened lives are processed foods. These refined carbohydrate products (foods which contain lots of added sugars and/or milled grains) wreak havoc on our body’s health because they cause a rise in insulin levels, which in turn causes a rise in blood fat levels. These higher blood fat levels raise heart disease risk, but the elevated insulin levels which precede them raise cancer risk. That is because insulin is a growth hormone itself. The fact that our bodies make insulin does not seem to save us from its ill effects. Don’t find out the hard way as I did – eating lots of sweets and flour products – that cancer can grow in that environment. (Whole wheat flour has the same glycemic index as white flour because the fiber has been so finely divided.) So please remember that just a plant-based diet is not enough for optimal health: whole food and plant-based is the ideal of truly healthy eating.
See What's New On Our Web Site
Breast Cancer Risk and Your Food Choices - Printable PDF
How Much Does Meat, Fish, and Poultry Raise Breast Cancer Risk? - Flyer
A Basic Course in Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition by George Eisman, RD - Publication
Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Diet Citations collected by George Eisman, R.D.
Dairy Products Raise Prostate And Breast Cancer Risk
Ovarian Cancer Risk and Your Food Choices
Don't Let Your Diet Add to Your Cancer Risk - Part 1 – CANCER AND FOOD - Excerpt from book.
Climate Change and Animal Product Consumption - In an authoritative report published by the World Watch institute in 2009, authors Goodland and Anhang concluded that over 51% of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions come from Livestock.
REDUCING CANCER RISK AND OPTIMIZING BODY WEIGHT WITH DIETARY CHANGES USING THE USDA FOOD PYRAMID IN DEPTH - The USDA Food Pyramid provides a tool for encouraging healthy eating, but age-appropriate insights by a Cancer-prevention Specialist Dietitian can help educators and caretakers fully understand its practical applications for long-range disease risk reduction.
Reducing Meat and Dairy Products in the American Diet -- Concerns about Protein, Calcium, and Iron - Many people may worry that a diet containing little or no meat and dairy products will be deficient in protein: In reality, the protein content of the North American Diet is well above what is required
DAIRY PRODUCTS RAISE BREAST CANCER RISK - Millions of American women suffer from breast cancer. It is the leading cause of death for women ages 40 to 55. Yet, in China and other countries that do not consume much milk or other dairy products, breast cancer rates are much, much lower.
Dairy Products and Ovarian Cancer Risk - Flyers