All-Creatures Ministry and Web Site
By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 28 Oct 2012
Dear Karolin:
In the last verse of Isaiah's prophecy of the peaceable kingdom 11:9, he tells us why and when this will come about. He says that the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. This also tells us why this isn't coming to pass now; the people of this earth are not as full of the knowledge of the Lord as most of them think they are.
However, as we mentioned previously, we are seeing glimpses of the peaceable kingdom almost every day, so we believe it is possible to have it here on earth. We have also observed that because we haven't eaten any animal products for many years, we no longer smell like a carnivore, and can get quite close to wild animals without them becoming frightened.
The other scenario is also possible, and perhaps it will get worse until the Lord returns,
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary