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Our Sermon Section
By Sarah - 6 Jan 2013

In Reference to: 6 January 2013 - Where Was Jesus Born?

Thanks for this post, but I've been having this problem for more than 40 years. I've never ever had that assurance of Jesus' presence. Lots of people have tried to help me, but without success. Sometimes I try not to think about it. Other times I pray about it, but nothing makes any difference. I figured out maybe it's just my personality, but it terrifies me because of the uncertainty. Of course I'm willing to accept God's free gift, and I've told him that countless times. But I don't know how to act on that belief. It all seems too intangible.

"If you're not sure that He is in your heart right now, do you believe that He will come in if you ask Him?"

Not really, because it doesn't seem to have worked for me when I have asked Him so many times before.

"And, most importantly, do you have the faith to actually ask Him?"

I don't even know, but I keep asking anyway.

"How do you ask Him?

"By simply repenting of your sins, and asking Him to forgive you. There isn't one of us here who hasn't sinned and, for that matter, there isn't anyone in the entire world who hasn't sinned.

"By asking Him to come into your life and truly be Lord of your life. But you must mean it, and be willing to have Him change you into a peacemaking child of God, and much more according to God’s heavenly will."

I have tried screwing up my courage, terrified of what He will expect of me, but also terrified of not belonging to Him. Now I'm so confused that I don't know if I mean it or not. So I keep going through this process of trying to repent and asking for forgiveness, asking Him into my life and to be Lord of my life, but feel it is futile because I never seem to get anywhere. I'm still the same old person, sometimes doing bad things and having the same old doubts. So it hasn't really worked for me, however much I want it to.