The Bible and Vegetarian/Vegan Living


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The Bible and Vegetarian/Vegan Living
Comments by Holly - 27 Jan 2009

I was checking out your lentil recipes and noticed that you inserted a few verses and biblical comments.

I am a very devout Christian who believes and tries to live by the entire Bible which is God's word. The Bible is like an instructional handbook to teach us how to live a life pleasing to God and how to become Christ-like, however if you read the entire bible you will note that it says that every creature good to eat if we receive it with Thanksgiving.

If you are truly a Christian then please read your bible and see that it is a sin to make anyone feel guilty for eating meat that God put here for our food.

May God Bless You and I think it's terrific that you are using Bible verses in your pages,

Holly (Keep smilin' It's God's natural facelift)

Go on to: Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 27 Jan 2009
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