By Marni Montanez
Hebrews 11:6 New Revised Standard Version
6. And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
There is no other lifeline as strong and important as our lifeline to God. He is our life; our breath and our future.
He makes a simple directive for us, which is to have faith. Just believe that God is God and that he created the world. Believe that He loves us unconditionally and without measure. Believe He is all knowing and all-powerful. Believe that He has a great plan for our future. Believe that He exists and wants only to do good for us. To have blind faith seems like a monumental task since humans are wired to believe what we see. Faith is about believing not seeing and that is difficult for many. The apostle, Thomas had the title of doubting Thomas, because he questioned everything from a skeptical point of view. If he could see it, he could believe it.
God is Spirit and that is where He is seen, with our spirit eyes, but because we see with our fleshly eyes, we cannot see Him.
God asks us to come to Him like little children. Children come to their parents with a belief that they are the only or primary adults who have authority over them and who can give them what they need. No one is as important to a child as their parents. This is the way God wants to be our Father. He wants to be the most important one to us and He wants us to seek Him with all our heart knowing that without Him we cannot breathe.
When we seek Him with all our heart, we become transparent and vulnerable to Him. We become like children who believe He is with us and He wants to give us good things.
To believe God in this way is our blind faith. It is a faith that does not request proof, but only trust. When we trust and believe God’s existence and that He is a good God, this opens up to us a doorway that will bring us right into His presence; in this presence is all we need, want and hope for. Our reward is in the presence of God.
Challenge: Look for God. Seek Him in His word, in prayer and in conversation with others. All these sources can help understand God, but most of all spend quiet time waiting on Him to divulge who He is. Believe that God is the Creator of the Universe, the Great “I am” and our Father. Believe He wants to give you good things and receive.
God bless
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purpose of this series is to encourage people to live as loving, compassionate,
and peacemaking children of God: Jesus tells us to pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy
will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10) God tells us through
Micah (6:8), "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord
require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your
God." And we know from Revelation 21:4 that there will be no more mourning, or
crying, or pain, or death. Thus, Christian living requires us to set the
standards of these conditions here on earth for our fellow human beings, and for
the other animals, as a witness to the rest of the world. To do otherwise is not