Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Silver shines the Autumn moon
The starlight fills the field..
The wonderous bounty gathered in
A rich, full harvest yield..
A horned owl hoots his haunting call
Outside my sheltering door
And I in wonder sit and dream
Beside a warm fire's roar...
Velvet clear and cold the nights
And crisp the Autumn days
Reds and yellows, gold and bronze
The last of summer's haze...
Cider hot to ease the chill
Thanksgiving now draws near
We praise our Lord for all our "gifts"
And gather in good cheer...
Skeins of geese and frosty morns
And amber hot the coals
Rooster crows and wind that blows
Exciting Spring-time foals...
Holy Father, hear our thanks
For all Thy "gifts" so many
For health and family, friends and love
For America, land of plenty......
(c) M. Linda Steffey 1990
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