Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Her grand vessel was only but a simple leaf
I felt I was imposing, my presence like a thief
She was so peaceful, drifting by me without care
He was all she needed; He would take her there
She was lovely. Clearly no despair did she spend
The leaf would take her safely to her journey’s end
She looked right at me; we kept our gaze for a time
Suddenly I realized as her eyes held mine
What amazing faith she had! In life! In the world!
To step right in the water onto that leaf curled
Up slightly at the edges but she found no fault
To her a vehicle that God for her had bought
She did not question how and why, she simply did
What she must to travel the creek on that leaf hid
As the waters moved her gently with soft current
I was struck by her beauty and for one moment
I felt the wonder of it all! His grace, His plan
For all of His creation, both for beasts and man
This was no accident, a simple leaf afloat
This was planned by Him and how many years ago?
This journey of a life on creek atop a leaf
To me a miracle! Again I was a thief
I was overcome: with His presence, her beauty
The creek gently flowing with miracles to see
I felt inspired, humbled and so grateful too
To share this very moment with another who
Also had faith in Him, in His plan with no doubts
Her future struggles-she did not worry about
She was alive now; today, following his lead
And; if tomorrow, she knew he would meet her needs
I envied and admired her aire of: O.K.
But I also learned a lot by the creek that day
Did I have faith enough to step onto His leaf
For the journeys of my life? Or cower like a thief?
Did I have the courage to trust in God that much
To step into the water and feel the current rush
Me into His master plan? My own leaf yet to see?
I have so much to learn and that’s what she taught me.
On that vessel made of leaf as she drifted by
We shared a special moment, that Grasshopper and I.
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