Vegan - Vegetarian RecipesIngredients Descriptions and Photos
From Vegan - Vegetarian Recipe Book: How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat

"We are dedicated to cruelty-free living through a vegetarian - vegan lifestyle. Let no animal suffer or die that we may live!"

Ingredients Descriptions and Photos
Table of Contents

Beans and Legumes

Beans and Legumes
Beans, Black - Beans, Black, canned - Beans, Cannellini - Beans, Cranberry - Beans, Great Northern - Beans, Great Northern, Canned - Beans, Green - Beans, Kidney - Beans, Kidney, canned - Beans, Lima (baby) - Beans, Mayocoba - Beans, Mexican Red - Beans, Mung - Beans, Navy - Beans, Peruano - Beans, Pinto - Beans, Pinto, canned  - Beans, Small Red - Beans, White Kidney - Black-eyed Peas (Cowpeas) - Black-eyed Peas (Cowpeas), Canned - Carob, powder - Chick Peas (Garbanzos) - Lentils - Lentils, French - Lentils, Red - Peanuts - Peas, Green Split - Peas, Yellow Split - Soup Mix - Soybeans - Tofu, block


Note: Fruits such as tomatoes and eggplant are included with vegetables because they are more often considered and eaten as vegetables.

Apples, Ambrosia - Apples, Arkansas Black - Apples, Autumn Glory - Apples, Cameo - Apples, Cosmic Crisp - Apples, Crispin - Apples, Fuji - Apples, gala - Apples, Geneva Early - Apples, Ginger Gold - Apples, Granny Smith - Apples, Harrell's Red - Apples, Honeycrisp - Apples, Jersey Mac - Apples, Law Rome - Apples, Macoun - Apples, Nikita - Apples, Opalescent - Apples, Pink Lady - Apples, red delicious - Apples, Royal Gala - Apples, Ruby Frost - Apples, Sansa - Apples, Snap Dragon - Apples, Sugar Bee - Apples, Tydeman - Apples, Vista Bella - Apples, Winesap - Apples, Zestar® - Apricots - Apricots, dried - Avocado - Avocado, Haas - Bananas - Bananas, Nino - Bananas, Red - Bananas, Saba or Cooking - Blueberries - Blueberries, wild - Cape Gooseberries - Cherries - Cherries, Rainier - Clementines - Cranberries - Cranberries, dried - Dates, Amir Hajj - Dates, Barhi - Dates, Barhi String - Dates, Black - Dates, Black Abbada - Dates, Black Fingerling - Dates, Black Premo - Dates, Bliss - Dates, Brown Fingerling - Dates, Carmelita - Dates, Daisin - Dates, Deglet - Dates, Deglet Noor - Dates, Deglet Noor (Bread Dates) - Dates, Desert Gem - Dates, Halawi - Dates, Honey - Dates, Khadrawi - Dates, Khalasa - Dates, Krinkles - Dates, Mecca Gold - Dates, Medjool - Dates, Peanut Butter - Dates, Purples - Dates, Red - Dates, Rhars - Dates, Sahar - Dates, Saidi-like - Dates, Sun Glow - Dates, Sun Toffee - Dates, Tazizaoot - Dates, Zahidi -  Figs, black mission - Figs, Calimyrna Dried - Figs, green - Figs, Kalamata, dried - Grapefruit - Grapes, concord - Grapes, globe - Grapes, red - Kiwi - Lemons - Limes -  Mango - Melon, Cantaloupe - Melon, Casaba - Melon, Crenshaw - Melon, Honeydew - Melon, Honeydew, orange flesh - Melon, Juan Canary - Melon, Persian - Melon, Santa Claus - Melon, Sharlyne - Nectarines - Nectarines, dried - Nectarines, White - Oranges, Cara Cara Navel - Oranges, Mardarin - Oranges, navel - Papaya, large red - Peaches - Peaches, Donut - Peaches, Donut, yellow - Peaches, White - Pears, Anjou - Pears, Bartlett - Pears, Bartlett, Red - Pears, Bosc - Pears, red Clapp - Pears, Forelle -  Persimmon - Pineapple - Plantain - Plums, black - Plums, golden - Plums, red - Plums, red spotted - Plums, Shiro - Pomegranate - Pummelo - Prickly Pear - Raisins, Thompson seedless - Raspberries, Red, frozen - Strawberries - Tangerines - Watermelon, seedless

Grains and Bread Making Ingredients

Grains and Bread Making Ingredients
Amaranth - Baking Powder - Barley - Barley, Pearl - Carob, powder - Corn Masa Flour - Corn, Bicolor - Corn Grits (Polenta) - Corn, White - Corn, Yellow - Kamut - Lecithin, Soya - Lentils - Millet, yellow - Oats, rolled - Oats, Irish (Steel-Cut) - Polenta (Corn Grits) - Popcorn - Quinoa - Rice, black sticky - Rice, brown - Rice, brown basmati - Rice, Jasmine - Rice, Brown Jasmine -  Rice, wild -  Rye - Rye Flakes - Sesame Seeds - Spelt - Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) - Wheat, Hard Red - Wheat, Hard White - Yeast

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds
Almonds - Baru Nuts - Brazil Nuts - Buckwheat - Butternut Squash Seeds - Caraway Seeds - Cashews - Chestnuts - Chestnuts, Dried - Chia Seeds - Coconut, unsweetened flaked - Fennel Seeds - Filberts - Flaxseed, dark - Flaxseed, golden - Hazelnuts - Peanut Butter - Peanuts - Peanuts, dry roasted - Pecans - Sesame Seeds - Squash Seeds, butternut - Sunflower Seeds - Walnuts

Seasonings, Condiments, Mushrooms, Pasta, Etc.

Seasonings, Condiments, Mushrooms, Pasta, Etc.
Allspice, ground - Apple Juice - Apple Juice, unfiltered - Baking Powder - Baking Soda - Basil, Sweet, dried - Bay Leaves - Bragg Liquid Aminos - Cafix, Instant Beverage -  Cardamom, ground - Cardamom Seed - Chili, powder - Chives - Cilantro, dried leaves - Cinnamon, ground - Cloves, ground - Coconut, unsweetened flaked - Coriander, ground - Coriander Seed - Corn Starch - Corn Tortilla - Cumin, ground - Curry Powder - Curry Powder, Dal - Dill Weed, dried leaves - Dulse, granules - Echinacea Tea -  Garam Masala - Garlic Powder - Ginger - Ginger, ground - Guar Gum - Horseradish, root - Italian Seasoning - Kelp or Kombu, granulated - Inka, Instant Grain Beverage - Lecithin, Soya - Lemon Balm - Lemon Juice, reconstituted - Mace, ground - Molasses, unsulphured - Mullein Tea - Mushrooms - Mushrooms, oyster - Mushrooms, oyster, dry - Mushrooms, Blue Oyster - Mushrooms, portabella - Mushrooms, shiitake, dry - Mushrooms, stir-fry mix, dry - Mushrooms, wood ear, dried - Mustard Seed, ground - Nutmeg, ground - Olive Oil, extra virgin - Olives, ripe pitted - Olives, ripe, sliced - Oregano, dried - Paprika - Parsley, dried or flakes - Pasta, Angel Hair or Spaghettini, Whole Wheat - Pasta, Chick Pea Elbows - Pasta, Chick Pea Rotini - Pasta, Chick Pea Shells - Pasta, Chiocciole, Whole Wheat - Pasta, Couscous, Whole Wheat - Pasta, Elbows, whole grain brown rice - Pasta, Elbows, Whole Wheat - Pasta, Fusilli, whole wheat - Pasta, Gobbetti, whole wheat - Pasta, Penne Rigate, Whole Wheat - Pasta, Rigatoni, Whole Wheat - Pasta, Rotini, Green lentil Cauliflower Parsnip - Pasta, Rotini, Whole Wheat - Pasta Shells, Whole Wheat - Pasta, Spaghetti, whole grain brown rice - Pasta, Spaghetti, whole wheat - Pasta, Spirals, whole grain brown rice - Pepper, cayenne - Peppercorns, Black - Pepper, Ground Black - Pepper, Hot Red Crushed - Pepper, red hot, ground - Peppers, Ancho Chili - Pepper Sauce, hot red - Peppermint Leaves, dried - Peppers, Chipotle - Peppers, Guajillo Chili - Peppers, Pasilla Chili - Pero, Instant Beverage - Radish, Black - Roma, Instant Beverage - Rosemary - Rosemary, Fresh - Sauerkraut - Smoke Flavor, liquid - Soy Sauce - Spearmint Leaves, dried - Stevia Extract (Powder) - Turmeric, ground - Vanilla Extract - Vinegar, Apple Cider - Vinegar, balsamic - Vinegar, distilled white - Vinegar, Red Wine - Xanthan Gum - Yeast, nutritional (mini-flake) - Yeast, nutritional (powder)


Note: Fruits such as tomatoes and eggplant are included with vegetables because they are more often considered and eaten as vegetables.

Artichoke - Asparagus - Asparagus, white - Beans, Green - Beans, Green, French Cut Frozen - Beans, Green and Yellow, with Carrots, frozen - Beans, Dragon's Tongue - Beets and Beet Greens - Beets, Bull's Blood - Beets, Formanova - Beets, Touchstone Gold - Beets, Yellow - Bok Choy - Bok Choy, baby - Bok Choy, Purple Lady - Bok Choy, Suzlou Baby - Broccoflower - Broccoli - Broccoli Raab (Rabe) - Broccoli stir-fry mix, frozen - Brussels Sprouts - Cabbage, Bok Choy - Cabbage, Chinese - Cabbage, green - Cabbage, Napa - Cabbage, red - Cabbage, Savoy - Cardoon -  Carrots - Carrots, baby - Carrots, purple - Cauliflower - Celery - Chard - Chicory - Collard Greens - Collard Greens, frozen chopped - Collard Greens, Purple - Corn, baby, canned - Corn, frozen - Corn, Bicolor - Corn, White - Corn, Yellow - Cucumbers - Cucumber, Armenian Yellow - Cucumbers, Dragon's Egg - Cucumbers, English, seedless, burpless - Cucumbers, Gele Tros - Cucumbers, Kirby - Cucumber, Persian Crisp - Cucumbers, Sikkim - Daikon or Mooli - Eggplant - Eggplant, Turkish orange - Endive, curly - Escarole - Garlic - Garlic, Carpathian - Garlic, Gem or Hardneck - Garlic, Red Rezan - Garlic Scapes - Jicama - Kale - Kale, frozen - Kale, Russian - Kale, red - Kohlrabi - Kohlrabi, Purple Vienna - Kohlrabi, Purple Greens - Lettuce, green gem - Lettuce, red gem - Lettuce, iceberg - Lettuce, green leaf - Lettuce, red leaf - Lettuce, oak - Lettuce, oak red - Lettuce, romaine - Lettuce, Romaine Sunland - Lettuce, red romaine - Lettuce, Summer Crisp - Lettuce, tango - Lettuce, tango red - Mustard Greens - Napa - Napa, red - Okra, Frozen - Okra, frozen, cut -  Onions, red - Onions, Scallions - Onions, Spanish - Onions, Vidalia - Onions, white sweet - Onions, yellow - Parsley, curly - Parsley, straight or Italian - Parsnips - Peas, green - Peas, green frozen -  Peas, snap (edible pod) - Peas, Honey Snap II Sugar Snap - Peas, Royal Snap II Sugar Snap - Peppers, banana - Peppers, bell, green - Peppers, bell, orange - Peppers, bell, red - Peppers, bell, yellow - Peppers, Cayenne - Peppers, Cheese, green - Peppers, Cheese, red - Peppers, Hungarian - Peppers, Hungarian Black - Peppers, Italian green - Peppers, Italian, red - Peppers, jalapeno - Peppers, Poblano - Peppers, Sugar Rush Peach - Pepper, Sweet Long Orange - Pepper, Sweet Long Red - Pepper, Sweet Long Yellow - Potatoes, Adirondack Blue - Potatoes, Adirondack Red - Potatoes, French Fingerling - Potatoes, red - Potatoes, Red Thumb Fingerling - Potatoes, Russet - Potatoes, Russian Banana Fingerling - Potatoes, Sweet - Potatoes, white - Potatoes, Yukon gold - Pumpkin - Pumpkin Puree - Radishes - Radishes, French breakfast - Radishes, Large Red - Radishes, Watermelon - Rapini - Rhubarb - Spinach - Squash, acorn - Squash, butternut - Squash, Chayote - Squash, Dumpling - Squash, Hubbard - Squash, Lita - Squash, spaghetti - Squash, yellow - Squash, yellow zucchini - Squash, zucchini - Swiss Chard - Tomatoes - Tomatoes, Black Cherry - Tomatoes, Blue beauty - Tomatoes, canned, whole - Tomatoes, crushed - Tomatoes, diced - Tomatoes, grape - Tomatoes, Hugh's Heirloom - Tomatoes, Lemon Boy Plus - Tomatoes (Roma, Italian, plum) - Tomatoes, sun-dried - Tomato Paste - Turnip Greens - Turnips - Turnips, red - Turnips, yellow - Water Chestnuts, canned

Also See: Thumbnail Photos of Ingredients and Utensils List
And: New Thumbnail Photos of Ingredients and Utensils List

Vegan FlagThe above recipe is in keeping with God's creation intent (Genesis 1:29-31): 'Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.' (NIV) Let no animal suffer or die that we may live!