Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies Articles

Help Animals India Summer 2023 Updates

From Help Animals India
July 2023

The world's troubles may seem endless, but compassion never takes a holiday.

Help Animals India

Dear Friend of India and Nepal’s animals!

Hope you are all doing well. We are grateful for your ongoing support and interest. Please make sure to scroll down to end where there is something everyone can do!

The world's troubles may seem endless, but compassion never takes a holiday.

Three urgent appeals:

1. Disaster relief: After a summer of providing water to street animals during the intense heat wave now some shelters and areas are inundated with heavier than usual monsoon rains and flooding and are so overwhelmed to rescue and rehabilitate animals, repair damaged shelters and provide medical care as needed.

2. From the far flung area of West Bengal, about 500 km north of Kolkata, is a dedicated group for the animals, People for Animals (PFA Uttar Dinapur). We have been impressed with their work and we don’t say that lightly. Everyday they are out rescuing animals with the ambulance we have provided. But the rented area to bring the animals at the clinic is tiny and now they need land for a shelter. We have a matching fund and need to raise total USD $12,000 - will you help with any amount?

3. From the other side of India, another urgent appeal from our dedicated partner RESQ skilled in wildlife rescue in Pune - they have under 45 days to move and provide emergency aid to 250 wild animals from a facility that is being closed down. These animals are being rescued from very poor condition and are in urgent need of medical aid, intensive rehabilitation, food and proper enclosures. About 150 of them, RESQ hopes to rehabilitate and release back in the wild but 100 of them require long-term care. These include leopards, hyena, deer, monkeys, and several species of eagles and owls. RESQ plans to build a dedicated new facility for a long range plan but now any amount will help.


Please read about all the ENTIRE UPDATES HERE.


animal ambulances
We have lost count of how many ambulances and vehicles the compassionate and kind donors of Help Animals India have provided in India and Nepal but its a large fleet by now! Think of the thousands of animals rescued, treated and taken for spay/neuter!

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