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Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies

I'll Miss Karen Davis As One Of My Favorite People And Favorite Activists Of All Time

From Unparalleled Suffering

Karen Davis passed away recently after selflessly dedicating an enormous portion of her life towards bettering existence for countless others.

Karen Davis
Karen and Rainbow...

Karen Davis was the Founder and President of United Poultry Concerns, an organization that educates and advocates for respectful and compassionate attitudes and behavior towards domesticated birds. Although Karen’s focus was on domestic birds at home with her bird sanctuary in Virginia and afar wherever birds were being abused and killed by humans, she has always been a fierce and unremittingly dedicated advocate for all animals who’ve fallen prey to human domination, ignorance, and ill will. Karen passed away on November 4, 2023 at her home and sanctuary in Machipongo, Virginia at the age of 79.

The last time I saw Karen in person we discussed death and how we were both looking forward to the time when that would come for us. Although we each lived with purpose and could find moments of joy, we were daily repulsed by the fact that so many individual beings are willfully restricted via human choices from experiencing any degree of joy at all throughout their entire duration of existence. When I heard that Karen died I was sad that this world was now without such an amazing and unique human, but I was happy for Karen to finally get her ending and to know that she was aware that she lived a long and full life that left behind an incredible legacy of beautifully articulated, truthful, thought-provoking, consistently compassionate, and still relevant books, articles, podcasts, videos, speeches, and more.

I’d like for this article to highlight some of her amazing writing. She spoke on behalf of the animals with candor, passion, and brilliance. The quotes I will share below come from the three books of hers that I have read. All of her books can be purchased on the United Poultry Concerns website. I’ll be using images I’ve taken from 2015-2022 to accompany her quotes. I’ve never been a well known photographer, but I’m grateful that Karen was aware of my work and that we were able to collaborate on a bunch of projects before her passing. We shared a lot of perspectives in common and both had a mutual love for the other person’s work.


Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.

hanging Chickens
"Why do we praise technology for developing substitutes for crude practices in other areas of life while balking at its uses to eliminate slaughterhouses, which technology can do?” ~ Karen Davis. Photo by Unparalleled Suffering.

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Read more at Honoring Karen Davis, PhD, Founder UPC United Poultry Concerns
Read more at MANY Personal Comments on the Contributions of Karen Davis