It's a mistake to assume that some imaginary 'powers that be' will swoop in at the 11th hour and save us all. They won't. The 11th hour has past and they are lost already. Never before has so much rested in our hands as individuals and the choices we make.
Singing bird, Image from
This is a time of year when consumer spending goes through the roof, and luxury goods that are often derived from the lives and bodies of others are sold to unchallenging and/or deliberately misinformed consumers.
'Greenwashing' is a word that looms ever larger as the climate catastrophe accelerates, although many countries increasingly hand over the reins of influence and power to those who are deliberately destroying the planet for profit. Rather than being platforms for change, the much publicised COP conferences have become talk shops, grandstanding venues where year on year, industry increases its lobbyist representation from agribusiness including pesticides, fossil fuels, pharmaceuticals, tech, and food and beverage processing - to the point of outnumbering the delegates from some countries. Legitimate concerns are swamped by powerful interests talking about how to legitimise the destruction they are causing. It's not even a secret any more.
Mainstream media has long been in the thrall of vested interests and still repeatedly headlines spurious claims that consuming dead flesh, breastmilk products and bird eggs is 'healthy' despite a copious flow of science that says exactly the opposite.
I've included a link below by the excellent Writer & Animal Advocate, Jessica Scott-Reid for Sentient Media, that provides sterling advice on navigating what can be a daunting flood of the misinformation that enables planet killing industries to maintain consumer ignorance and thrive [How to Spot Misinformation and Bias About Climate and Food in the News].
But one thing applies for every nonvegan reader; when what you read reaffirms your decision to carve your way in gore and terror through our fellow creatures, reassures you that it's not harming your victims, not destroying the environment, or not crippling human health, then I can guarantee that you’re what you’re reading is not accurate. At best, its slanted nonsense. At worst, it's deliberate and cynical greenwashing. It may well be what you what to hear, but it’s a lie designed to perpetuate the status quo while soothing you with false hopes, and continuing to rake in your cash.
So please remember this: those who deny our right to accurate information, are denying us the chance to live true to our own values, and are even denying us the right to safeguard the health and future of our children. If you're not outraged about that, you should be. Be discerning about what you believe and consider who stands to gain by your belief.
To oppose planetary destruction is to champion our species' victims. The world we are destroying is theirs as much as ours. Without an effective reversal of the bloodthirsty and violent habits of our species, this planet will very soon be hostile to all life and the crisis is escalating with every moment that passes. While animal rights advocates seek to salvage some sort of a future for all forms of life, even for our own families, those who are continuing to drive our species over the edge of environmental collapse by flooding the media with falsehoods are committing the most unforgiveable deception.
It's a mistake to assume that some imaginary 'powers that be' will swoop in at the 11th hour and save us all. They won't. The 11th hour has past and they are lost already. Never before has so much rested in our hands as individuals. We have to stop refusing to be vegan.