Excuses by Janet Riddle
Animal Rights Poetry
Moo-ving people toward compassionate living
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To those who enjoy the unfair fight
and destroy those weaker with delight
Many excuses the hunter will use
in all of them the animals lose
"Overpopulation" ~ a common claim
they eagerly kill, yet animals are to blame?
It is said this murder is a must
but make no mistake, this killing is lust
"It's fair their senses are good" ~
tell that to the deer roped to a hood
He'll be beheaded and fit to a frame
morbid decor, have we no shame?
"Heritage" ~ another excuse to maim
a ruthless bloodsport in heritage's name
Teaching children callous death
and to eagerly watch a dying breath.
Living beings filled with lead
fallen animals whose blood was shed
Barbaric "sport" that leaves a bloody trial
Classic example of where our ethics fail
Janet Riddle
Email: [email protected]
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