Andrew PellChristmas 2018
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Christmas 2018
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

Let us all for a moment reflect on this special day.
God sent love to fill the whole earth.
Light shone through the darkness, over the darkness.
The Angels rejoiced, God in human form wanted to have his say.
The world was changed forever when Christ was born.
With his birth came new hope, new love, excitement and joy.
The blind could see, the lame could walk, people that were sick were made well,
It is a true love story between God and all of his creation.
Satan knew he would be finally defeated.
His power and control would be forever depleted,
Many years later Jesus Death on the cross sealed the contract.
A contract that no one would ever retract or cancel,
This Christmas day rejoice, be happy and help the lonely and poor.
They will also see the beauty and magic of what Christmas is all about that we adore.
God redeemed us, so we can also help others to understand what Christmas means.
We do not seek fortune or fame, but be humble workers in God’s everlasting and expanding Kingdom.
Total love can do no wrong.
In God’s eyes we cannot fail, because God’s love is a beautiful love song.poem

© Andrew Pell 21/12/2018


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