This world kicks me around
Down as much as I'm up
And sure enough
As I write this, I'm on the ground
And who do I go to?
And who do I cry to?
Oh, Jesus-
What shall I do?
I don't know- I come to You!
Jesus- Save me.
And you know, when I'm close to Him
I understand the Bible, and my own sin
And I cry alone in my bed-
And He heard what I said!
And He came again!
To lift me high-
Exalted to His sky-
And, dead, then
I become alive again!
And I've done this loop before
And I always know to knock on His door
And He always sees me go again
When I think I'm strong, I leave just then
And He Loves me still, when I come back
And He knows I'm just a kid on a race track
And He knows me well, that I know He's Strong
And I call Him Papa when my prayers are long-
And He shows me hell, when I fall too low
And He catches me, when the world let's go
My Father.
He Loves Me-
He shows me so.
And do I love Him?
Oh, Oh, Oh,
I love Him so!