If I know the Word
From eyes reading, or ears heard-
Of such things that Satan deceives
Of such things in truth are hard to do-
Of such things as commandments and sins
Then I must surely Believe.
For after all I have my own free will-
And even if I try to humor the Word-
I cannot so easily, be good, even still-
So what is it then,
Of such things as "righteousness"
Why so hard a thing to be?
Is it as Jesus, Himself did say
That our nature, evil, be?
And if it's true, through His Word our destiny?
Or is it likely to pass over such thoughts
To choose, instead, enmity?
And be Judged in the Highest Courts?
To say you do not believe...
Are not words, enough, to say
Because you cannot do the Word of God
Is more the truth at play-
So what to do of such things that rend?
Why, my God, we must Repent!
Repent, Repent, Oh Souls that live
True Life, Eternal, for those who did!
Do not repose in faithlessness-
Until a try you give!
And if you've done the Word of God
With a straight look on your face..
And if you can tell me just the same-
You did not receive His Grace?
If you can say I lived His Word
It wasn't that hard to do?
I'll weep just then,
To know, my friend-
These things you did not do!
So tell me then
This truth that be-
That to live the Truth
Is harder than it seems?
And could it be, then,
Through and through-
That every Word Jesus spoke
Was Absolute True?
For again, I say-
If the answer is nay-
Then make your case-
And give account
By The Word, compared
Of the total mess you've made.