Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
The established Church can provide spiritual peace.
However personal, however right it provided comfort that would only
Yet as spiritual beings we carried a dormant faith and belief in our lives,
Spirituality is part of the human race.
It has brought us through difficult times and filled us with God’s grace,
Every day the spirit is within our deepest thoughts.
As Children we went to Sunday School, but never forgot what it taught.
We do not need to go to Church to walk in God’s presence,
He is always with us regardless of where we are.
He is never ever far away.
We must stop and listen to what he has to say.
When we do we will experience a brand new day.
Our walk with God is a personal relationship.
Nothing can break that bond between us.
God is always with their without any fuss
Enjoy the friendship and companionship of God above.
He reaches out to us in total love.
He will descend to us like a gentle dove.
Embrace God and reach out to him.
He is knocking at our door before we even ask him.
Everlasting praises we will always sing.
(c) Andrew Pell 07/07/2018
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