I'm an average guy
I fall between nowhere and no one
all the time
like a man
who is a visitor
or part of an audience
I am here
yes, I am here
and yet, I never fit in
oh yeah, sure this hurt for a long time
but you know when a man is alone
God picks up the phone-
My Lord
My Savior
My Friend...
and my heart has been crushed by the world
or maybe it's me?
it sure could be-
either way, I still breathe
and the sun still rises
and night falls
and my little head sleeps
another night-
Oh Savior,
what is to be fore me?
a man of Faith...
Tell me Father, tell me
maybe it was best I didn't know
I thought I was over the hard part
when the hard part wasn't even casted
for my show-
so many afflictions
and broken little bones, healing
so many disappointments and broken heartedness
by careless, reckless, frigid hearts
Oh pain.. PAIN! HURT!
My God..
Hope my only hope-
I had to have it and it was there for me-
Hoping for better days
but the worst days were yet to be
and the more pain I'd swallow
the more I became hollow
for away from any place
alone, broken face
and heart and leg and spirit
turning away, from old character
that died away-
willing to do something new
something to try
to kill the pain
of the chains that were crushing me
the heavy chains of pain upon a man
and the weight of them
such a strain, any more
to say my name....
Oh God
Oh Father,
Where art Though, Mercy?
Take me
Wake me
What is left of me?
Why do I breathe, Father?
How do I breathe, Father?
For what?
Jesus, has anyone ever love me? even once?
let it be.. oh Father free me-
bring me-
to Heaven?
little heart beating so faint
just a few little pounds left-
and there-
now you're flesh is at rest...
dead on your bed,
as you had wished
and said-
but who are you?
but who were you, in Truth?
where is Heaven?
There is no Heaven
For a 'dead' man-
"you were not Saved by God's Hand"
"you are a sinner, man"
"your pills killed you"
and a fire ignited
like the rag I was,
fueled of a million sins-
so full of pride-
blinding my eyes-
I saw none of them-
I didn't know the Word
and the Word was God
And the Word is True-
And I am hell
On Fire
what a thing.
little me
and all my confusions
burning in hell
the world didn't want me
Heaven didn't allow me-
hell, became me
Oh weeping little child
Crying so much...
What do you want?
A Thunder is heard
Shaking even the core of hell-
A ball of Light is seen-
I am dying and this is the Second Death-
Losing breath-
The Light is moving becoming larger as it nears-
(weeping, mourning,)
Father why am I here?
"You are dead in your sins, Gerard"
"am I am bad person"
"you did not Repent, Gerard and you do not know the Truth"
'am I going to die'?
'come, forward Gerard'
(my body elevates by His Word)
~My heart is filled with Love~
I fall to the ground
An Angel is before me-
Gerard, you must return now to earth-
You will know what to do-
Your Faith has Saved you-
The Lord has been Merciful
The Saints prayed hard for you-
Your Angel, fought for you
The Holy Spirit will come upon you-
Truth will fill you-
And you will Witness
the rest of your days-
and I saw several men in white robes
very upset with me-
very concerned
I am Saved by Faith, through Grace
by the skin of my teeth.