What Kind of Sacrifices Would It Look Like
What kind of Sacrifices would it look like,
If I had a special diet or plan
of what purpose would this bring me
if I were not to feast and celebrate as such a command
Of what kind of sacrifice would be pleasing
to both me and my creator
the one who desires loving kindness, peace and mercy
while still loving even still my neighbour
The scales of Justice are tipping in such a fine and delicate balance
I trust in my creator that he continue blessing each and everyone of us
with his or her own special talents
To glorify and vindicate his holy name of righteousness we stand
till kingdom come and mercy reins....
claiming all his belongings, the earth, and his holy land...once again...
together we fight for
all that is good and all that is right
all who love peace
will eventually unite...
One love! Is the Genesis way
the place we'll return to
Halleluiah!! Praise his holy name!!!!