To Pastor Hagee
April 26, 2006
Dear Pastor Hagee,
I just wanted to clarify something for you that you've been speaking
out against. I won't resort to any attacks, I'll simply state a
position, or actually rather than stating a position, I'll state some of
the reasoning on the part of those who have a certain shared position.
It is not "pagan" to care for animals. I know of very few people who
care for animals more than for people. People who do usually are
disillusioned with some bad relationship and are simply hiding among
their other priorities rather than taking a distinct position against
their Father and Creator. People care for animals to the extent of
becoming vegetarians/vegans, not out of a worship for the creature
rather than the Creator, but based upon their inner convictions about
compassion, self-control, and convictions that though animals are not
more important than people, God did give the little animals inherent
worth and value. Yes, it's not on the same level as that of someone
created in the image of God. But our being created in the image of God
makes us more accountable for the Creation, not less accountable.
People with compassion towards animals aren't generally prioritizing
animals over humans, but are seeking to address a situation that's
always been neglected at the animal's expense. Your views about animals
seem more related to Aristotle than to Christianity, more shaped by the
heretic Thomas Aquinas than by St. Paul.
Evangelism and discipleship of people is always first and I�m not
minimizing that, nor offering distraction from that. Essential truth
doesn�t contradict ultimate truth in any particulars. Preach the Gospel,
heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, freely give and freely
receive. I�m all for all of that and do all of that with some
regularity, both in person and by internet. In a Biblical world view
that shows compassion for animals, there is room (i.e., no
contradiction) for a Gospel world view that crucifies the flesh,
commands the repentance of hardened sinners, satisfies the needs of
widows and orphans, and extends kindness to the least of these amongst
us who aren't in the image of God. Superiority doesn't demand the right
of exploitation. Compassion can extend to animals without neglecting
human beings. Human beings can be regarded as first without treating
animals with the dignity of athlete's foot.
There will always be a wedge between Christianity and much of the
animal rights movement for as long as there are irresponsible statements
like yours that would relegate animals to the dung hill in order to
vindicate the worth and nobility of the image of God in the earth. How
many millions of people's consciences are you purposefully wounding
simply because you think that compassion is only compassion when it's
human centric? St. Paul said that if meat offended his brother, then
he'd never eat it again. Afterwards, he wrote the book of Romans,
because he did put his brothers first when speaking to the Corinthians,
so that God could give him further revelation because he'd passed the
test of brotherhood. The Creation was subjected to futility, NOT
WILLINGLY but by reason of Him Who hath subjected it, that the creature
itself would be liberated from it's bondage and affliction and enter
into the liberties of the children of God.
I would encourage you to read my Biblical perspective on the Hosea
2:18 - Jeremiah 31:27-28 Covenant at www.animalgospel.com and if my
presentation is too stout for you, being from a Biblically based
Christian Universalist, then another author whose perhaps more lucid and
limpid of speech and "orthodox" in theology would be Andrew Linzey,
whose books are available through most Christian bookstores and on
Martin Cisneros.