Belinda van Rensburg Table of Contents
Poetry by Belinda van Rensburg A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Table of Contents

A Broken Lullaby
Angel Child
Angels Around Us
A Vision of Heaven
Behind Glass Walls
Cherish My Creatures
Child of the Night
Cloud Rider
Give Me Your Sons
Heavenly Beings
Heaven's Currency
Heed His Watchmen
I Am David
If Creation was a Day
If I Could
It's Time
Man's Plans vs. God's Plans
Men Like Us
My Everything
Neon Lights
One April Morning
Our Legacy
Peerless Prince of Peace
Shepherds in Wolves' Clothing
Teach Me
The Emptiness Within
The Groom
The Old Mission Church
The Prophet
This Fallen World
Whilst We Slumber
Who is He?
Will We Ever Learn?
You Knocked
Young Hearts

About the Author

Belinda van Rensburg I was born and raised in South Africa, but my husband and I have been working and serving the Lord in Taiwan and Paraguay as tentmaker missionaries for just over 12 years now. My husband, Kevin, teaches at a Christian school in Asuncion, Paraguay, and I am an English tutor, an aspiring poet, and in the process of writing my first book.

I am an avid reader, and the James Herriot books are at the top of my 'favorites' list. He knew and understood the souls of animals. And yes, since the soul is comprised of the intellect, thoughts, memories, emotions, awareness of being and the ability to sacrifice itself for the good of others, animals do have souls - there is no doubt about that.

I have witnessed a lot of human as well as animal suffering and misery in my life - in Africa, in the Far East, and in South America. A lot of it was, and remains, absolutely unnecessary and preventable.

On the other hand, I have also seen and experienced the love and the goodness of God. Human beings are His appointed guardians of this planet and its inhabitants, and Christians, especially, should take this responsibility seriously.

I believe that God uses the arts to touch the souls of men. A song, a picture, a poem, a film, or a story can convey God's thoughts to us in ways which not only stimulate the intellect, but can also reach us where it matters - our hearts.

May God bless us all - God's creatures great and small.

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