Newsletter, December 30, 2024

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Welcome! Newsletter - December 30, 2024

Dear Readers,

As the new year approaches, we have both sad and exciting news to share. After more than sixteen years our Veda is leaving Veda Stram has been the backbone of the website for over sixteen years and there are no words to express how much she is both appreciated and will be missed. Her new path will include being an editor, so please reach out to her for that service. She will be working for total liberation for all.

Veda has been involved with the training of Maddie Harris and wants you to know how confident and happy she is that it is Maddie who will be taking over and filling her vegan shoes. Maddie comes to us with a rich history of animal advocacy since infancy and programming expertise. She has been a vegan since she was nine years old. We are so excited to have her join All-Creatures!

You can continue to send your communications to [email protected] that Maddie will be managing or you can email her directly at [email protected]. Please be sure to introduce yourself to Maddie.

If you want to contact Veda, her personal email is [email protected].

~ Kindness, Tams Nicholson, Executive Director

A note from Maddie:
"I am a professional programmer with six years of experience in the industry and an advanced application-design certification. I was fortunate to be born and raised vegetarian by parents who encouraged me to think critically about ethical issues and instilled in me an interest in and passion for animal rights. I chose to go vegan when I was nine years old. Since then, veganism has been an integral part of my identity, and I believe nothing with greater conviction than that all creatures have the right to healthy, comfortable lives free of suffering. I am very excited by the prospect of using my programming experience to advance the cause of animal rights and spread the message of veganism through my work with"

photo of maddie

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